Our Founder
Katherine Mellin
Katherine is no stranger to pushing her comfort zone and she is also seldom still. She’s not a fan of getting her picture taken either.. but gave it a go with those first two things in mind!
Katherine is a seasoned lawyer, holds a MBA from UofT with a healthcare focus (MHSc), is WSET/IWEG Levels II and III Certified and a Certified Sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers.
When asked what style of wine is her favourite, her response: There is no favourite style.. but there is a favoured quality; ‘tension’.. wines with a bit of tension excite me, they take and can keep my attention. Tension meaning there are opposing essential forces that are in a constant duel with one another (acidity and fruit for instance), neither ever really winning, the result is more than balance, it is a dynamism, an ‘aliveness’. Beautifully made wines and spirits should leave you with an impression.